Behaviour Management for Educators
It is important for educators to educate themselves about ADHD and how it impacts a child’s executive functioning, recognize the signs and symptoms of possible ADHD in the classroom, have a discussion with a child’s parent(s) and seek input from an educational consultant as warranted.
Many children with ADHD begin or move through school lacking some of the skills needed to succeed in school. Support from parents and educators can help these children manage demands in the classroom and playground. With approximately 5-8% of all children affected by ADHD, teachers and students will benefit from increased knowledge and strategies. Symptoms of ADHD can include:
- Attention regulation (e.g., alert the child’s attention by saying things like, “This is important”),
- Hyperactivity (e.g.,proactively develop appropriate ways for them to move within the classroom )
- Impulsivity (e.g., praise any time that you see them considering consequences)
- Following instructions (e.g., ask the child to report back to you when the task is completed),
- Learning and following rules in the classroom, (e.g., review and post picture reminders and review consequences)
- Organization and time management, (e.g., use special count down clocks and timers to assist with the understanding of time passing)
- Managing transitions, (e.g., a ten, five and two minute cue that a change will occur, or an activity needs to stop)
- Emotional regulation (e.g., teach, and model calming strategies – have a calm place for them to retreat to, such as: a tent, bean bag chair in a quiet location, or a quiet, safe place outside the classroom)
- Social skill development (e.g., Use pictures to teach body language and facial expressions. Do not assume children know that a teacher’s frown etc. means displeasure.)
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